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As an artist I have gone full circle. I started my career as a silkscreen printmaker exhibiting at the Royal Academy, many UK galleries and international exhibitions in New York, LA and Paris. My journey has taken me through 28 years as a couture designer where fashion became my medium of expression dressing society women, couture brides and celebrities. The world of luxury brands, advertising and media has influenced my work as I step away from fashion and return to my artist roots.

The source material for these mixed media collages comes from the glossy fashion magazines. Cutting and repositioning photos, logos and textures creates images that show how brands and fashion have influenced us and inspired our choices. Words and comments are added to elevate my messages.

 Once complete, the collages are transferred onto canvas and embellished with paint, ink, crystals, gems, glitter and gold leaf. Coating the images with a high gloss resin reinstalls the glossy world of luxury brands and pop culture that are so familiar to us.

The glossy world of fashion and celebrity culture has been elevated to the gallery wall where it now makes a new positive statement.

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